Sandal weather means no more socks – and the possibility of blisters
caused by friction between your feet and your shoes. Learn how to
prevent blisters, and treat them when they occur.
While not usually a major health concern, blisters can be annoying and painful. Whether on your feet or hands, blisters caused by friction or chronic irritation can be prevented by keeping skin dry, wearing sock liners or work gloves, protecting areas where blisters tend to form with moleskin, gel-pad dressing or blister plaster, and addressing an irritated area as soon as symptoms arise. However, once you have a blister, what's the best way to treat it? If your blister is small, leave it alone - the covering maintains a sterile interior and usually resolves on its own. If your blister is large, I recommend the traditional method of piercing a blister, which can be done in three simple steps:
Be certain your tetanus shot status is up to date before piercing a blister; if you are not up to date, make an appointment with your doctor.
While not usually a major health concern, blisters can be annoying and painful. Whether on your feet or hands, blisters caused by friction or chronic irritation can be prevented by keeping skin dry, wearing sock liners or work gloves, protecting areas where blisters tend to form with moleskin, gel-pad dressing or blister plaster, and addressing an irritated area as soon as symptoms arise. However, once you have a blister, what's the best way to treat it? If your blister is small, leave it alone - the covering maintains a sterile interior and usually resolves on its own. If your blister is large, I recommend the traditional method of piercing a blister, which can be done in three simple steps:
- Thoroughly wash your hands.
- Sterilize a needle in a flame until it glows red. After the needle cools, use it to puncture the edge of the blister and then gently press out the fluid. Leave the loose skin in place - the blister will heal faster.
- Dab on some antibiotic ointment, diluted tea tree oil or clean your skin with a sterilizing wipe and cover the area with gauze or a gel dressing.
Be certain your tetanus shot status is up to date before piercing a blister; if you are not up to date, make an appointment with your doctor.
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